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Academic Support

​​​​​​​​BSF supports academic intervention that is critically necessary to support ALL students,  but not funded at the state or federal level. At any point along the K-12 educational pathway in the Bainbridge Island School District, a student may need extra academic  support. Funding from BSF allows educators to provide intervention that is flexible, data-informed, and student- centered, to ensure we are meeting all students where they are at, with appropriate support, at the time it is needed.


Reading Interventionists to support students across grades K-8

  • This funding fills a critical gap in state and federal funding to support ALL learners


Academic Interventionists to support students across grades K-6

  • This funding fills a critical gap in state and federal funding to support ALL learners


Academic Interventionists at the middle school level

  • Achieve 7th grade & Achieve 8th grade classes  at WMS

  • This funding is essential to ensure all students receive academic support at the critical middle years (no allocated state or federal funding to fill this need)


Academic Interventionists at the high school level 

  • Academic Workshop classes for grades 9-12 at BHS and EHHS

  • This funding is essential to ensure all high school students in the Bainbridge Island School District are on track to graduate in four years, with potential to achieve post-high school success based on personal pathway (no allocated state or federal funding to fill this need)


Staffing for before and after school academic support

  • Math Club at Sakai, Homework Club at Sakai and Woodward, Makeup Monday at BHS

  • This funding allows for a flexible and responsive approach to meet student need for academic support beyond the school day (no allocated state or federal funding for this need)


Instructional materials and professional resources for Academic Intervention programs

  • Professional learning opportunities through book study and workshops

  • Classroom supplies provided for students in need (notebooks, pencils, pens, lined paper)


Bridging The Gap

Bainbridge Schools Foundation
8489 Madison Avenue North
Bainbridge Island, WA 98110
Tel: (206) 855-0530  Fax: (206) 842-2928
Tax ID 91-1427019

Copyright 2024 Bainbridge Schools Foundation - All Rights Reserved

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