Frequently Asked Questions
Why fund education?
Our public schools are the heart of our community and an educated population is the cornerstone of our democracy. Supporting public education means supporting the future and ensuring tomorrow’s leaders have the skills and knowledge to help solve some of our world’s most vexing challenges.
Many of us moved here because our schools are among the best in the state. One of the reasons our schools are strong is because our community provides ongoing support by voting on bonds and levies, volunteering in classrooms and with the PTO, and donating to BSF.
Isn't state funding adequate?
No. Changes to the way schools are funded was implemented by the state legislature in 2018. While the new legislation resulted in an increase in state funding, the ability for districts to fund education locally through levies was dramatically reduced, resulting in significant financial challenges for many school districts, including BISD. The new legislation also left big gaps in funding for special education, school counselors, nurses, and other critical services, causing significant inequities among school districts (even neighboring school districts) across the state. Read more….
I give to my PTO. Why give to BSF?
Our PTOs create a sense of community at each individual school and raise important support for technology, classroom supplies, field trips, and more. Our PTOs understand the unique needs at each school and galvanize parent volunteers.
BSF provides big-picture, district-wide support that impacts every student. We are the only organization that can fund teacher salaries. BSF is proud to work in close partnership with our PTO community. By supporting both your PTO and BSF, you extend the impact of your giving and enrich the education path for all students.